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Eapro 1100VA 12V PWM Solar PCU

Eapro 1100VA 12V PWM Solar PCU


Product details

►Inverter Capacity: 1100VA 12V & Inbuilt PWM 50A Solar Charge Controller

► Solar Panel Capacity: 800W 12V, VOC 23V

►Load Capacity: Run up to 800W load, that may include 4-5 fans, 10-15 led lights

►Battery Supports: Flat Plate, Tubular & SMF

►LED Display: Display all Parameter

►DSP Sine Wave True RTC (Real Time Clock) technology based solar inverter.

Capacity (VA) 1100VA
Load Support  800W
Nominal battery voltage (Vdc) 12V
Charge Controller Type PWM
Charge Controller Rating 50A/12V
Maximum PV Power 800Wp 12V 
Input Voltage Range (Voc) 23V
Input Voltage Range (Vmp) 14.5V -18V
Battery Boost volatage (Adjustable) 14.4V (Default setting)
Battery Low Cut (Adjustable) 10.6V (Default setting)
Grid charging current(Adjustable) 18A (Default setting)
Solar Charging Current(Adjustable) 40A (Default setting)
Supported Battery Types Flat,Tubular, VRLA(SMF)


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